Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pint-Sized Collector

Dear Melissa:
My adolescent has the smallest room in the house and the most stuff. She’s a collector and every surface is covered. Can you suggest something to stop the battles? Frustrated Mom

Dear Frustrated:
I totally sympathize. I have two collectors myself, and we’ve tried everything, including the dreaded “mom cleaning with a garbage bag”.
Consider replacing some pieces of furniture with those that do double duty, such as a captain’s bed, a cabinet with built-in hampers, wall mirrors with an attached shelf/hooks, and a vitrine (glass-topped display table). Trust me, you’ll feel better freeing up some horizontal surfaces just so you can actually see the dust for a change.
There is also untapped space just below the ceiling. Consider running a 4” deep display shelf around the upper part of the walls. Your child probably just wants the comfort of having her favorite things nearby where she can see them. Keep only her actual playthings within easy reach.
You might also try rotating her collections, the way adults do when they have too much clutter. Possessions feel fresh and new again when brought out of storage. And if all else fails, keep the bedroom door shut. M.A.K.