Dear Melissa:
We have a room in the northwestern corner of our house, which is a ranch style. Because of the trees, we get very little light into this room. Can you suggest something we can do about more windows or skylights to optimize the natural light? K.G., NH
Dear K.:
Here are some tips on window placement for us in the Northeast.
When faced with a choice, choose horizontal windows with angled window jambs to admit more light. Sun blockage on the western side of your house is not a bad thing, particularly with deciduous trees, but you might want to increase the sunlight on the northern side. Since I wouldn’t remove any windbreaks, I would definitely consider a row of clerestory windows up by the ceiling. When one edge of a window is contiguous with an adjoining wall or the ceiling itself, light flows along this surface creating an extra glow. Windows above your head will also cut down on drafts.
You don’t mention which way your roof is pitched, so all I can tell you about a potential skylight is that you should avoid placing one in a southern- or western- facing roof, if possible. You don’t need the other extreme of sun blindness. M.A.K.