Dear Melissa:
We’re having a baby soon and I’m trying to childproof everything I can. Can you give us some suggestions about the baby’s room? O.G., Chester, CT
Dear O.:
First of all, congratulations. This is an exciting time for you.
By now, I’m sure you know all about the outlet covers, cabinet and drawer latches, and car seat and crib safety requirements. You’ll be fairly safe if you are purchasing the latter two new.
There are a few things that you may overlook in the baby’s room, however. Keep the baby’s crib, changing table, and any chairs away from window treatment cords (even the breakaway kind) and any type of bed canopy or mosquito netting.. If you must use them, be absolutely scrupulous about crib bumpers. They should attach to the crib slats with SHORT ties that Velcro or snap on. (I know this from personal experience.) And keep all bedding and drapery away from the room’s heat source.
Look for dressers that have been weighted at the bottom and can’t topple over. Even better is anchoring the dresser to the wall. (Same goes for bookcases.) Make sure, too, that the dresser drawers have stops and can’t be pulled free. I recommend that you install wall-to-wall carpeting once the baby is old enough to start crawling, to avoid nasty splinters.
Best of luck to you! M.A.K.