Dear Melissa:
Should all of the lamps in my living room be the same height, and do you think that the lamps on either side of my couch should match? L. P., KY
Dear L.:
The two most important things about lamps are (1) that you have enough light where you need it, and (2) that you aren’t looking up at the bulb when seated next to a lamp.
Lamps used as pairs should be the same height and scale, but these still don’t necessarily have to match. When you use lamps of various heights, survey the room to make sure your eye isn’t distracted by a large, showy lamp instead of being drawn to the focal point you intended.
If a lamp is too low, place it on a stack of leather-bound books for more height. Place a lamp that’s too high on a lower table, or try changing its harp or shade. Most rooms could use some height, so don’t exclude floor lamps. Why not consider a grouping of three funky accent lamps of differing heights, just for fun? M.A.K.